International Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ISTEB)

What is ISTEB?

The ISTEB is a non-profit scientific organization whose main function is to organize the biannual conference series, the ICOBTE. Its governing body, the Executive Board (EB), consists of volunteers whose mandate is spelled out in the society by-laws. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the President.

The ISTEB was co-founded in 1999 by Walter Wenzel of BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) and Domy Adriano of the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Governing body. The Executive board consists of all volunteers whose mandates are included in the society by-laws. The Chief Executive Officer is the President whose surrogate includes the vice president (the incoming president). The EB members are elected by members of the society and serve for at least 2 years. ISTEB was incorporated in Austria but its Treasury is in the USA. Its membership consists of individuals who have registered in one of the previous ICOBTEs.