Call for abstracts is now closed.

You will receive feedback on your submission by May 15, 2024.


We invite you to submit an abstract for one of our sessions (maximum 3 papers per submitter).

For submission please click the button "Submit". During the registration process you have to create a user account. With this account you can login later, using the login box on the left side, to check your abstract status or documents, to register or to change your personal data.

Guidelines for abstract submission

  1. Enter the title of the abstract and select the form of presentation.
  2. Topic: Please select one of the session topics and proceed with Continue.
  3. Please enter your abstract, starting with two to four key words. At the end you can add up to 3 references. The document should not exceed 400 words. Proceed with Save data and proceed.
  4. Please check the details of your submission and add the co-authors and their contact details. Please mark the presenting author.
  5. Confirm your submission details and complete the process.


At least one of the authors of the abstract must attend the Landscape 2024 conference.

The corresponding author will receive notification regarding acceptance by mid-Mai 2024.

If your abstract is accepted but you are unable to attend the conference, one of your co-authors can also present your work. This co-author must then be registered for the conference. If you do not nominate a registered co-author, your paper will be withdrawn.

If you have any questions, please contact the conference secretariat.