Author Guidelines

Contact person:
Dr. Ralf Lach
Institute of Polymer Materials
Geusaer Str. 81f, 06217 Merseburg

Information for Oral Lectures

The oral lectures will be presented in two parallel sessions in physical presence of the speakers only (online presentations are generally not planed). Preparation of the slides of the presentations is required in English only, to fulfil the international character of the conference. The speech should be given in English too, but German language is also possible in few special cases.

The total duration for presenting oral lectures is limited to 20 minutes including both taking and discussion. The times for invited and plenary lectures are given in the program. All authors will be informed about time and location of their speech via e-mail (this information will be also available in the final program).

Information for Posters

Posters will be only presented in form of printed matter in A0 format. The time for poster presentation is from afternoon of June 19 up to the end of a special poster session on the same day. Please take down the posters after the poster session immediately.

During the poster session all participants are encouraged to vote for the best posters (a slip to fill is available in the congress materials). At the end of the conference the winner will be featured with a poster prize.

Abstracts for Lectures and Posters

Submission of one-page abstract in Word format (docx) only – not pdf etc. – by using the template below is mandatory. Use of English language is required. Without abstract the submission process cannot be finished. In cases of sending blank or meaningless documents the lectures or posters will not be accepted by the conference committee.

Please specify if oral or poster presentation is preferred. The abstracts will be reviewed by the conference committee. Depending on their scientific quality final decision will be made about oral or poster presentations and the authors will be informed about the decision by e-mail.

Please note that the deadline for abstract and lecture submission is March 31, 2024.

Download the Template for authors as .docx-file: Abstract Template

Furthermore, full papers regarding the conference contributions can be published in a special issue of the journal Macromolecular Symposia after the conference. All participants will be informed timely about the submission procedure by e-mail.