We would like to invite you to submit a presentation or a poster for the 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium. This can be carried out with immediate effect via this website.
Please provide us with an abridged version of your presentation in English. Please thereby emphasize the innovative character and/or the new findings.
The length should be 2 to 3 DIN A4 pages, so that the program committee can obtain a comprehensive overview of the contents of the presentation.
As the abstracts for accepted presentations will be made available to conference participants together with the conference documents and should therefore have a uniform layout, please use this template (abstract_template.docx).
If you are interested in submitting a poster, please submit an abstract (one page) via this website.
You will be notified by May, 2024, whether your presentation has been accepted. For rejected presentations there exists the possibility of presenting a poster.
If your paper is accepted, you agree with the publication of the abstract and the (modified) presentation sheets for the participants of the symposium.