General terms and conditions of business and participation in the event


1.1 These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") apply to the participation and the related ticket sales for the interACTIVE HAPTICS Conference, hosted by the organizer GREWUS GmbH. Deviating terms and conditions of the participant are not valid.

1.2 The organizer reserves the right to make changes and additions to these regulations. Possible changes and additions become valid through publication on this website.

1.3 The offer is intended exclusively for persons of legal age.

Registration and conclusion of contract

2.1 Registration for participation in the event is exclusively possible via the conference management & ticketing platform Converia of the ticket partner, Converia GmbH.

2.2 The organizer makes an offer for the conclusion of a purchase contract with the information provided on the website. The participant accepts his offer for the conclusion of a purchase contract by completing the order process and clicking on the button "Complete registration" in the last order screen. The effective acceptance of the offer by the participant requires that the participant has filled in all required fields in the order mask (each marked with "*") and has accepted these GTC.

2.3 The contract for participation in the event shall only be concluded after the Ticketing Partner has confirmed the registration to the participants in writing via e-mail. Amendments and/or supplements to the contract must be made in writing. This also applies to the cancellation of the written form clause.

2.4 The number of participants may be limited or exclusively "by invitation". Registrations will be considered in order of receipt of payment. If participation is not possible due to overcrowding, you will be notified immediately.


3.1 The price stated in the certificate of participation is the final price and binding on the participant.

3.2 All prices are net amounts. The as far as necessary sales tax rates come zzlg. Additional delivery and / or shipping costs do not apply, unless they are shown separately.

3.3 If special prices are granted for reductions (students, senior citizens, severely disabled persons, etc.), this is also shown separately. If no reductions are shown, they cannot be granted. The reduction must be granted upon presentation of proper proof (student ID, ID card with proof of age, severely disabled ID as defined by the severely disabled ID ordinance). The proof must be provided before the start of the event. If the proof cannot be provided, the participant must pay the difference between the full price and the reduced price at the beginning of the event in order to be entitled to admission.


4.1 Payment shall be made via the respective methods indicated on the website. Insofar as this results in additional fees, these are shown separately. All prices and fees are due immediately upon conclusion of the contract and at the latest on the day of the event.

4.2 The total purchase price is due for payment immediately upon receipt of the confirmation e-mail.

4.3 Please note that the following reason for payment appears on your credit card statement:

Date Weimar DE Amount

4.4 If a payment is charged back (e.g. due to insufficient funds in the account specified in the order), the participant must compensate any damage or expenses arising from the chargeback. This includes in particular the bank charges as well as a handling fee of 10.00 Euro per chargeback for processing by the organizer. In the event of an unjustified chargeback (return debit) of the credit card, processing costs in the amount of 50.00 euros will be charged. In case of chargeback the organizer is entitled to withdraw from the contract immediately. The participant thereby loses his right to participate in the booked event. Further claims of the organizer against the participants are not affected by this.

Right of revocation

5.1 Cancellation policy


Right of withdrawal:

If the participant is a consumer in the sense of § 13 BGB (German Civil Code), he can revoke his contractual declaration in text form (e.g. letter, e-mail) within 14 days without stating reasons. For this purpose, it is possible to send an e-mail stating the ticket ID. Participants use the following contact data for this purpose:


The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, but not before the conclusion of the contract and also not before the fulfillment of the information obligations of the organizer according to Art. 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 para. 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as the obligations according to § 312g para. 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with. Art. 246 § 3 EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the revocation is sufficient to comply with the revocation period.

Consequences of revocation:

In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties shall be returned and any benefits derived (e.g. interest) shall be surrendered. If the participant is unable to return or surrender the received services and benefits (e.g. benefits of use), or is only able to do so in part or in a deteriorated condition, he/she must compensate the organizer for the loss of value. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for the participant with the dispatch of the cancellation and for the organizer with its receipt.

End of the cancellation policy


5.2 The right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the organizer, with the express consent of the participants, begins to provide the service before the end of the withdrawal period or if the participants themselves arrange for the service to be provided.

Changes, withdrawal/cancellation

6.1 For subsequent invoice changes and rebookings, 20.00 euros will be charged as a processing fee by the organizer.

6.2 If the registered participant cannot attend the event, the participant has the possibility to rebook his participation to a substitute person. The processing fee for the rebooking amounts to 20.00 euros.

6.3 A general cancellation of a booked participation is not possible. A booked participation cannot be cancelled or refunded.


7.1 The scope of the contractual service within the framework of the respective event results from the respective information documents, any existing registration forms and the organizer's confirmation of participation.

7.2 If services are not provided in accordance with the contract, the participant is entitled to remedy. Defects must be reported immediately. Claims for reimbursement of the participation fee due to services obviously not provided in accordance with the contract must be asserted within 14 days of the conclusion of the event.

7.3 The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the content of the event program at short notice, insofar as this is necessary and the subject matter of the event is not restricted as a result, as well as to appoint a substitute speaker in exceptional cases. The participant will be informed about the respective changes in due time.

7.4 Travel, accommodation and meals are not included in the event offer unless services of this kind are expressly listed in the event description. If a contractual partner does not make use of properly offered services in whole or in part, there shall be no claim to reimbursement of the participation fee.

7.5 There is no entitlement to the development of participant-specific solutions to problems.

Cancellation of the event / date changes

8.1 If the number of participants is too low or for other urgent reasons, the organizer may postpone or cancel the event or combine it with other events. This also applies to social and evening programs.

8.2 In case of cancellation of an event, the organizer shall refund the payment made. In particular, the organizer may cancel the event up to 10 days before the start of the event if the minimum number of participants specified in the event description is not reached. Shipping costs and other additional fees will only be refunded if the cancellation of the event is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of the organizer.

8.3 In case of postponement of the date, the participant is entitled to withdraw from the contract. The organizer undertakes to inform the contracting parties immediately via one of the addresses mentioned in the bookings (by post, by e-mail, by telephone, etc.) at its own discretion. The sending of such information shall be deemed sufficient. Any futile travel expenses, hotel bookings, etc. shall only be reimbursed by the organizer if the participant's failure to inform the organizer of the cancellation of the event is due to gross negligence or intent.

8.4 In case of cancellation, the participation fee will be refunded in full within 14 days. The same applies in case of withdrawal of the participant due to the above mentioned reasons.

Copyright and other rights

9.1 The presentations and issued event documents are protected by copyright and may only be used for personal use. Rights of use are only transferred by explicit written granting of rights of use. Duplication, distribution, processing or public reproduction of any kind is generally not permitted and requires the written consent of the organizer.

9.2 Audio and video recordings and descriptions of the event, the event results as a whole or in parts are not permitted.

Picture material/photographs

10.1 The participants of the event agree irrevocably and free of charge for all present and future media that the organizer is entitled to create, reproduce, broadcast or have broadcast image and/or sound recordings of their person, which go beyond the reproduction of a current event, as well as to use them in audiovisual media.


11.1 The liability of the organizer for contractual, quasi-contractual, legal, tortious or other legal reasons is excluded. The organizer and his vicarious agents are also not liable for disruptions of any kind caused by circumstances beyond their control.

11.2 The organizer shall only be liable for damages if the organizer or one of its vicarious agents has violated a major contractual obligation (cardinal obligation) in a manner that endangers the purpose of the contract or if the damage is due to gross negligence or intent on the part of the organizer or its vicarious agents. If the culpable breach of a cardinal contractual obligation is not due to gross negligence or intent, the liability of the organizer is limited to the amount of the foreseeable damage, at most to the amount of the participant's price; furthermore, liability for consequential and indirect damages is excluded.

11.3 Liability for damage caused during the journey to and from the event locations, as well as for losses and accidents, is excluded.

Supplementary provisions

12.1 The Organizer points out that in addition to its own General Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Conference Management & Ticketing Platform Converia by Participants of Converia GmbH apply in addition and are thus part of the preceding provisions. These are made available under the following link: 

Final Provisions

13.1 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply with the exception of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and other legal provisions which are German law due to or in execution of intergovernmental agreements, or legal provisions of supranational institutions, unless they are of a mandatory nature. This also applies to claims arising from pre- and post-contractual obligations as well as statutory claims that compete with contractual, or pre- and post-contractual claims.

13.2 Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or lose their validity due to a circumstance occurring at a later date, the validity of the rest of the contract shall remain unaffected. The ineffective provisions of the contract shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to what the contracting parties would have intended if they had considered the relevant point. The same applies to loopholes in this contract.

13.3 The place of performance shall be the registered office of the organizer.

13.4 To the extent permitted by law, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of the organizer.

Status: February 2023