Laurent Schmalen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Matthias Gunkel (Deutsche Telekom)
Hannes Hübel (Austrian Institute of Technology)
With the development of quantum computers and the luring threat of cryptanalytic attacks on today’s cryptography by quantum computers, the development of alternative cryptography schemes is more pressing than ever. Quantum key distribution is one option to build quantum-safe networks. In this workshop, we address the question whether quantum key distribution is sufficiently matured and will become an adequate technology in future optical networks.
In particular, we address the following questions:
- Is there a market demand for quantum-secure communications?
- What is the time window for upgrading today’s crypto infrastructure?
- Which QKD key volumes are expected?
- What operator investment is needed for a QKD network compared to alternative approaches?
- How much might a QKD key delivery cost for users?
- How could PQC complement quantum-based crypto?
Besides these questions directly related to QKD, in the second part of the workshop, we address alternatives to QKD (quantum-cryptography, post-quantum-cryptography, loss monitoring) and discuss whether those are viable and what their related pros and cons are for optical networks.
At an interactive panel discussion, all speakers will be happy to delve deeper into their core messages with the audience, explore different options how to build quantum-safe networks and discuss the associated advantages and challenges for practical deployments.
Session 1: Quantum-secure communications
- Organizers’ introduction
- Henning Soller (McKinsey), Quantum-secure communications – what is the market perspective?
- Helmut Grießer (Adva Network Security), On the industrial maturity of QKD
- Fumio Futami (Tamagawa University), The role of Quantum Stream Cipher for quantum-safe networks
Session 2: Alternative approaches
- NN, Loss-control protocol as quantum-secure alternative
- Florian Fröwis (ID Quantique), When is quantum-secure communication trustworthy?
- Panel: all speakers