We cordially invite you to our third Landscape Conference in Berlin in September 2024. Join us for scientific sessions, an informative poster exhibition & marketplace with our conference partners, interactive workshops and masterclasses, the conference dinner in a historic setting, and two excursions for insights into landscape research and organic and conventional farming in Brandenburg.
François Chrétien, agr M.Sc., Agriculture Canada | Canada
Prof. Dr. Senthold Asseng, Technical University Munich | Germany
Prof. Dr. Brajesh K. Singh, Western Sydney University | Australia
Prof. Dr. Robert Finger, ETH Zurich | Switzerland
Associate Professor Michelle Chevelev-Bonatti, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Humboldt-Unversität zu Berlin & University of Vila Velha | Germany & Brasil
Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke, University of Göttingen | Germany
Further information about the Keynote Speakers
Sessions will highlight the state of the art in agricultural landscape research and promote critical exchange on pathways to more resilient and sustainable agriculture. With the overarching theme of agroecosystems in transformation and subthemes of visions, technologies and actors, proposed sessions can be from any single or combination of subthemes relevant to sustainable agricultural landscape research. They can have a focus on a particular topic, method, challenge or region. While many sessions will be of an academic nature, engaging other actors, such as farmers, policymakers, or NGOs, in scientific dialogue is highly welcome.
Further information about sessions
There will be a large poster exhibition on September 18, 2024. The posters of each session will be presented as close to each other as possible. During the poster exhibition, all attendees will have time to interact with the poster authors. Therefore, we kindly ask all poster authors to be available during the poster exhibition for discussions at the posters. There will be no guided poster sessions.
Masterclasses are interactive sessions designed to show, learn and discuss new tools, methods or emerging topics in a hands-on intensive format. Masterclasses are organized and chaired by 1-2 persons, and they last for 3 hours and host about 15-30 participants (prior registration required). Masterclasses attract both senior and junior researchers, providing an excellent platform to disseminate and test scientific ideas while reinforcing scientific networking.
Further information about masterclasses
Pre-conference workshops will take place on September 16. The workshops will focus on the overarching theme of agroecosystems in transition and the sub-themes of visions, technologies and actors in a broader sense. Workshop formats can be offered for a closed audience or open to all Landscape Conference participants (prior registration required).
Further information about the pre-conference workshops
On September 18, we invite you to a pleasant evening at the Schlosscafé Köpenick as part of the Landscape Conference.
Further information about the conference dinner
We invite you to two excursions in the Berlin area. Dive into organic and conventional farming, explore a landscape laboratory and learn more about the experimental stations at ZALF. The excursions will take place on Friday, September 20, 2024.