Art @Graz University of Technology

18.09.: Orangerie, Burggarten
19.09.: HS II, Rechbauerstraße 12

Dance Performance to „We are the Cake Escapers”
Exhibition of infographics

Through the Dance Community of THE CAKE ESCAPE a network has been created, in which we want to offer women*, especially BIPoC women*, a stage.

The infographic posters present facts on various discrimination issues. The posters are intended to provide young people with a fact check on discrimination against marginalized people and encourage discussion. They can also be used as supporting awareness material for educators. The Cakies are used as an artistic voice to explain difficult topics and provide low-threshold access.

Detail of an infographic by THE CAKE ESCAPE
Further information about THE CAKE ESCAPE:


by QuFO – Queer Feministische Organisation

The QuFO exhibition offers an insight into the local queer-feminist art scene in Graz.

The aim of this newly founded collective is to bring together independently working queer and feminist people, groups, collectives, associations and organizations to work collaboratively. The main focus is on networking in order to create diversity in the queer scene in Graz. The collective works on additional offers as well as on expanding or deepening existing offers and also views itself as the political voice of the queer community.

In a nutshell: >queer joy is an act of resistance / there is joy in queer resistance<

Further information about QuFO: