
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) is an international conference series launched in 2015 dedicated to advancing research and the implementation of a Nexus Approach to resource management. It has been organised by the United Nations University Institute for the Integrated Mangement of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER).

By bringing together actors from a diverse range of disciplines and sectors, DNC fosters dialogue on how nexus thinking contributes to achieving sustainable development for all. The resources supporting development are finite and global change is impacting their availability and accessibility. By considering the maximisation of synergies, minimisation of trade-offs, and enhancement of resource use efficiency, the Nexus Approach is key for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

DNC is a one-of-a-kind event, bringing together actors from academia, civil society, industry, and government from all over the world to discuss the sustainable management of environmental resources in Dresden. Providing a platform for exchange on this topic is crucial to ensure the findings and good initiatives from the scientific community are communicated to the right actors for implementation – political decision makers as well as local stakeholders and representatives of the business community. DNC provides the scientific community opportunities to inform their initiatives through dialogue about the needs and challenges of political decision makers as well as local stakeholders and representatives of the business community. Across the scientific community itself, this platform is important because the discussion around the Nexus Approach must be inter- and transdisciplinary, involving, for example, the social sciences as well as practitioners.

DNC 2025 will take place from April 8-10 2025 and coincide with other major events and anniversaries. DNC 2025 under the theme: The Future of Resources, Resources for the Future, this Future focused theme aligns with the United Nation’s mission to develop a post-2030 agenda for sustainable development, which was initiated by the Summit of the Future (2024) and the Pact for the Future. DNC will be one milestone event in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of United Nations University.

URL: www.dresden-nexus-conference.org

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Past Conferences

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