Guidelines: Formal Layout of Papers for Conference Proceedings
It is a lived tradition and good practice for speakers to publish their paper in the proceedings of ESE Kongress. The proceedings shall provide readers with a high-quality, sustainable digital reference book during the event or for follow-up reading.
We have put together guidelines for the layout of your paper.
Please follow these guidelines and keep the deadlines to help us process your paper efficiently.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Sample paper/ manuscript (PDF) for conference proceedings
Important deadline!
By 12 October:
Final version - paper (Word file !) for conference proceedings (for presentations only, not for seminars)
Important organizational note
Our processes are automated. For this reason, please upload your paper (Word doc) for the conference proceedings directly to the presenters’ database via the log-in page.
Do not send your material by e-mail!
Formal criteria
Total 7,000 to 12,000 characters maximum (incl. blanks). If you wish to supply more detailed or further texts, e.g. for download, please list them as references.
Please submit a high-quality paper for the conference proceedings, i.e. in a quality you would expect to see in conference proceedings yourself. No promotion, no marketing, no product presentation.
German or English
File format
To guarantee consistency in layouts, please set the following parameters before you start writing:
- A4 portrait
- Margin between text and paper edge:
- 2.0 cm from top
- 3.0 cm from bottom
- 3.0 cm left
- 3.0 cm right
- Layout format: Type area single column, justification
- Line spacing: multiple 1.15
- Font for text elements:
- Headline/ title: Times New Roman, 16 pt bold
- Subtitle: Times New Roman, 12 pt bold
- Lead text: Times New Roman, 12 pt bold
- Continuous text: Times New Roman, 12 pt
- Subheadings: Times New Roman, 12 pt bold
- Image/ graphics/ table captions: Times New Roman, 12 pt
- Highlighting: In italics - only where absolutely necessary
- Formating: Please avoid any formating in the continuous text, like
- automatic paragraph numbering
- indentation
- bold, underline, colors
- Not to use at all:
- headers/footers
- page numbering
- logos
Images and tables
- Embed those directly in the text (no separate graphic files).
- Use consecutive numbering.
- Add explanations (captions) to all images and tables.
- Font for captions: Times New Roman, 12 pt
- Important note: Please indicate the source for all images/graphics!
- Do not use dark background colors in images or tables and provide for high contrast.
- Note: Please make sure your graphics material is of high quality (300 dpi).
Formulas, code examples, etc.
- Embed those as images wherever possible.
- Recommended font: fixed-width font, e.g. Courier or Courier New
- Font size: 12 pt
Content and structure
Typical elements of the paper
- Headline
- Subheading (optional)
- Name of author(s), name of company/institute
- Lead text: Description of problem, solution, objective of the paper (1 paragraph)
- Main part (approx. 10,000 characters):
- Introduction of problem, basic conditions, background, main question
- Theoretics and terminology in short, if required
- Solutions, principles, coherences
- Results, advantages and disadvantages, basic conditions
- Examples
- Summary: Critical appreciation, open questions, outlook, recommendations
- Optional: Index of symbols /abbreviations
- Optional: List of references
- Short bio of author(s): Name, company, function, professional focus or interests, etc.
- Optional: Photo of author
Paper/manuscript for proceedings: Example
Upload paper/manuscript for proceedings
Martina Annuscheit
+49 (0) 931 418-3102