23rd International ILIAS Conference
5 and 6 September 2024

Online Registration

This is the online registration site for the 21st International ILIAS conference at 05 and 06 September 2024 in Graz. You find the conference programme here.

You were already registered at one of the last ILIAS conferences? Then you already have an account for Converia and can log in with these account details at any time to view your documents (invoice & ticket) or revise your personal data.

This is your first ILIAS conference - or the first since 2017? Then you will create a user account in the registration process, which you can use in the future to view the documents and edit your personal data.

If you have any questions or forgot your Converia account data, please contact the conference secretariat.

Conference registration is supported by the conference management software Converia. Payment processing will be carried out on behalf of the organizer via Converia GmbH.

The participation fee for the two-day conference is

  • for members of the ILIAS association 380€ (if applicable plus USt.)
  • for non-members of the association 450€ (if applicable plus USt.)
  • for speakers and workshop leaders 145€ (if applicable plus USt.)

There are basically three packages to choose from:

  1. Payment of the invoice WITH a tax number outside Austria.

  2. Payment of the invoice WITH an Austrian tax number.

  3. Payment of the invoice WITHOUT a tax number (e.g. private individuals or institutions).

Possible payment methods are credit card and invoice. An Early Bird rate was valid for registrations until 30 June 2024.

The participation fee includes free access to all lectures and workshops on both conference days, as well as lunch and the social event on Thursday and lunch on Friday.