
This is the online registration and submisson site for the 49th GfG Symposium „Chromatin & Epigenetics”

To register as a participant, please choose "Register as attendee". During the registration process you have to create an account. With this account you can login later, using the login box on the left side, to check your documents (invoice & ticket), edit your abstract or to change your personal data.



Day 1 (Wednesday September 24th, 2025)

13:00 Registration
14:00 Opening Ceremony

Plenary Session I: Chromatin Organization

Chair: Sigurd Braun


Talk 1: Argyris Papantonis “Senescent cell co-opt CTCF and nuclear speckle component to sustain their splicing program”


Talk 2: Ana Pombo “TBA”

15:10 Short Talk 1: TBA; selected from abstracts

Break & Visit of Industrial Exhibition

16:00 Poster Flash Talks (A-K)
16:50 Talk 3: Philipp KorberOrder through disorder – functional determinants of an intrinsically disordered region in the yeast insulator Abf1”
17:20 Max-Delbrück-Lecture: Peter B. Becker “Male-specific lethality in flies: From phenomenon to mechanism”
18:30 End of Day 1


Day 2 (Thursday September 25th, 2025)


Plenary Session II: Chromatin & Cell Functions

Chair: Axel Imhof


Talk 4: Valentin Flury “Maintaining chromatin across cell division: Lessons learned from DNA replication”

09:30 Short Talk 2: TBA; selected from abstracts

Talk 5: Alexander Brehm “The interplay of chromatin regulators and multi-
zinc finger proteins in Drosophila”


Talk 6: Sigurd Braun “A regulatory hub for silent chromatin and gene repression”

10:45 Break & Visit of Industrial Exhibition
11:15 Poster Flash Talks (L-Z)

Plenary Session III: Histone Variants

Chair: Sandra Hake

12:00 Short Talk 3: TBA; selected from abstracts

Talk 7: Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray ”Regulation of centromere function by PTMs on CENP-A in yeast”

12:45 Lunch & Poster presentations (A-K)
14:30 Short Talk 4: TBA; selected from abstracts

Talk 8: Patrick Heun “Less is more – the minimalistic fruit fly centromere”


Talk 9: Sylvia Erhardt “Locus-specific protein profiling identifies the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 as a molecular glue targeting centromeres”

15:45 Short Talk 5: TBA; selected from abstracts
15:55 Break & Visit of Industrial Exhibition

Plenary Session IV: Chemical Modifications of Chromatin

Chair: Alexander Brehm


Talk 10: Rodrigo VillasenorReading the silent mark: Discovery of a novel family of DNA-methylation dependent readers in transcriptional regulation”


Talk 11: Axel Imhof “The role of RNA in centromere structure and function”

17:30 Short Talk 7: TBA; selected from abstracts
17:45 Short Talk 8: TBA; selected from abstracts
18:00 End of Day 2
19:00 Speakers Dinner


Day 3 (Friday September 26th, 2025)


Plenary Session V: Chromatin in Health & Disease

Chair: Patrick Heun


Talk 12: Sandra Schick “BAF chromatin remodellers in development and disease”

09:30 Short Talk 9: TBA; selected from abstracts

Talk 13: Fides Zenk “Single-cell epigenomic reconstruction of developmental trajectories from pluripotency in human brain organoids

10:15 Break & Visit of Industrial Exhibition
10:45 Short Talk 10: TBA; selected from abstracts

Talk 13: Marcus Buschbeck “Non-metabolic functions of macrodomain-containing histone variants in cancer”

10:30 Lunch & Poster presentations (L-Z)
13:00 Talk of Elizabeth-Gateff Prize 2025 Winner: TBA
14:00 Prize for Best Poster/ShortTalk and Conclusions
14:30 End of Symposium
15:00 GfG Members Meeting