HFA Symposium 2024

Why do children and adults learn differently?

July 11, 2024, 6 pm
Hamburg and
via Livestream

Scientific host:
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder, Universität Hamburg

Andrea Grießmann, TV-Presenter and author

Register as attendee

For babies and children, learning is a natural process. Through play, they explore and develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Early experiences in childhood set the stage for later growth, forming the basis for a healthy life and lifelong learning.

Why do children learn differently from adults? Which brain mechanisms play a key role in this process? When, how, and in which environment do we learn best? And what happens if children face less-than-ideal learning conditions?

The event continues the series of Germany-wide symposia of the Hector Fellow Academy. There, renowned experts present current research topics in a generally and understandable way and discuss future vision. The HFA is a young science academy that promotes cutting-edge interdisciplinary research around STEM fields, psychology and medicine.

More information about the program

Universität Hamburg, Main Building (ESA 1), Lecture Hall A
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg

Online participation:
You will receive the access data by email.

Participation is free of charge. Event languages ​​are German/English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

We would like to inform you that image and sound recordings will be made during the event for the media and public relations activities of the Hector Fellow Academy. If you do not agree to this, please contact the Hector Fellow Academy team on site.

We look forward to your participation!